Viola tricolor

Viola tricolor Introduced species, not described. Illustrations: 3 photographs of Viola tricolor. From Wikipedia: Viola tricolor, Also known as Johnny Jump up (though this name is also applied to similar species such as the yellow pansy), heartsease, heart’s ease,heart’s delight, tickle-my-fancy, Jack-jump-up-and-kiss-me, come-and-cuddle-me, three faces in a hood, or love-in-idleness, is a common European wild…

Viola arvensis

Viola arvensis No description. Illustrations: 2 photographs of Viola arvensis.

Viola adunca minor (conspersa?)

Viola adunca var. minor (syn. V. conspersa) Kim’s unedited notes. Illustrations: 9 photographs of Viola adunca minor and 1 comparative diagram             Viola adunca Sm. var. minor ( Hook. ) Fernald Rhodora 51: 57. 1949 synonym: Viola muhlenbergiana var. minor Hook. Fl. Bor.-Amer. (Hooker) 1: 78. 1830 From the date…

Key: NorthAmerican Stemmed, blue or white Viola, without yellow at center of flower

KEY TO STEMMED BLUE OR WHITE VIOLETS WITHOUT YELLOW AT THE CENTER OF THE FLOWER 1. Leaves reniform …………………………………………………………………….. 2 2. Leaves variegated, larger ………………………………………………………….V. walteri 2* Leaves not variegated, smaller mat forming ground cover plant ….. V. appalachiensis 1* Leaves cordate to wide-ovate ………………………………………………….. 3 3. Flowers cream-white ………………………………………………………………. V. striata 3* Flowers blue-mauve…