Viola sororia – Photo Gallery

Kim selected 42 photographs of flowers of V. sororia and related hybrids to study the range of taxonomic features.


Viola sororia plant with chasmogenes
Viola sororia hybrid
Viola sororia hybrid forms (April 2005)
Viola sororia, hybrid? (Autumn 2002)
Viola sororia alba, cleistogenes
Viola sororia with cleistogamous seed pods
Viola sororia (May 1997)
Viola sororia x V. cucullata (April 2005)
Viola sororia x V. cucullata? but straight hairs! (June 2007)
Viola cucullata x sororia alba (June 2007)
Viola sororia, straight hairs on laterals only. Radnor, PA (May 1997)
Viola sororia alba, Kims garden ex-Bowmans Hill WP, PA (April 1992)
Viola sororia hybrid. Kim’s garden Radnor,PA (April 2004)
Viola sororia Confederate form (May 1994)
Viola sororia hybrid (April 2005)
Viola sororia x? (May 1994)
Viola sororia (June 2007)
Viola sororia Confederate form endemic to Radnor PA (April 2005)
Viola sororia f. priceana Kim’s garden, Radnor PA
Viola sororia, red form, straight hairs (May 1994)
Viola sororia (May 2003)
Viola sororia, Glimmerglass SP, Otsego Co, NY (April 2010)
Viola sororia, Canowingo FP, MD. (April 2004)
Viola sororia (April 2007)
Viola sororia x V. cucullata (April 2005)
Viola sororia Freckles, Sauk Co, WI [82Afilter](June 1995).
Viola x palmata, part V. cucullata! (April 2005)
Viola sororia Freckles x V. palmata (April 1999)
Viola sororia Alice Witter. Straight hairs, so not pure cucullata (April 1999)
Viola sororia, darker Freckles form. Hybrid of blue form x Freckles (April 1997)
Viola sororia (May 1996)
Viola sororia x V. cucullata (April 2005)
Viola sororia
Viola sororia x V. cucullata Freckles short lowest petal (April2005)
Viola sororia Freckles, clubbed hairs Radnor PA (May 1997)
Viola cucullata Freckles x V.sororia (2004)
Viola sororia, hybrid. Bowmans Hill WP, PA. [RHS 87C-88C](May 1994)
Viola sororia – Cucumber mosaic virus. Gt. Smoky Mts NP. (May 2000)
Viola x palmata. Infected with tobacco mosaic virus. Ozark Hills, AK (April 2009)
Viola sororia chimera – variegated leaf (April 2006)
Viola sororia x V. cucullata. Berks Co, PA (May 2005)
Viola sororia x V. cucullata, or x V hirsutula? Radnor, PA (2004)