Viola clauseniana, M.S. Baker

Viola clauseniana, M.S. Baker Description. Illustrations: 3 photographs of Viola clauseniana and 2 drawings. Baker’s original 1938 description of V. clauseniana stated that it is sharply distinguished from any other known violet by the lack of hairs on the inside of any of the petals, the deltoid (triangular) leaf outline and the prostrate habit of…

Viola hirsutula, Brainerd

Viola hirsutula Kim’s incomplete notes. Illustrations: 4 photographs of Viola hirsutula, 2 photographs of Viola hirsutula hybrids, 2 drawings. Section Nosphinium, subsect. Boreali-Americanae [NEW classification, 2010]. See also under V. villosa. 2n=54. Flowers RHS 87A. Plant Images: Distribution by State: AL, DC, DE, FL, GA, IN, KY, MS, NC, NU, NY, OH, PA, SC,…

Viola egglestonii Brainerd

Viola egglestonii Kim’s rough notes. Illustrations: 2 photographs of Viola egglestonia (1 of seedpod), 1 drawing. Section Nosphinium, subsect. Boreali-Americanae [NEW classification, 2010]. name accepted by ITIS. Name V. septemloba LeConte ssp. egglestonii (Brainerd) McKinney is not accepted by ITIS. IPNI lists it as: Viola septemloba subsp. egglestonii (Brainerd) McKinney — Sida, Bot. Misc. 7:…

Viola flettii

Viola flettii Piper Description. Illustrations: 3 photographs of Viola flettii and 2 drawings. During two periods of glaciation in the last Ice Age, 18,000 and 15,000 years ago, most of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State was covered by extensive glaciers. However the tops of the higher peaks on the eastern edge of the peninsula…

Viola walteri

Viola walteri Illustrations: 3 drawings and 5 photographs of Viola walteri, as labeled by Kim Blaxland.  No descriptive text.

Viola langsdorffii

Viola langsdorffii (Regel) Fisch. Description. Illustrations: 5 photographs of Viola langsdorffii and 3 drawings. The Alaska violet grows in species-rich alpine meadows in mountain ranges of the North American northwest coast, and on the island of Unalaska in the Aleutian chain. It appears to be stemless at flowering, but later produces several tall, well-developed stems….

Viola umbraticola

Viola umbraticola Kunth (or HBK.) var glaberrima Becker Description. Illustrations: 3 photographs of Viola umbraticola and 1 drawing.  A xerophytic member of subsection Rostratae, similar in appearance to Viola adunca (with which it is often confused) except for its lack of stems. The plants are small with blue flowers scarcely above the leaves, partly obscured…

Viola rostrata hybrids

Viola rostrata hybrids Illustrations: 3 photographs of Viola rostrata hybrids, and 1 drawing. . Gt Smoky Mts NP TN May 2001″ width=”1000″ height=”676″ /> Viola rostrata x Viola striata Hybrid. Gt Smoky Mts NP TN May 2001 Kim’s notes: Late summer plant Stipules ciliate and long fimbriate, also for striata but not for Japanese rostrata…

Viola rostrata

Viola rostrata No description of this species Illustrations: 5 photographs of Viola rostrata and 2 drawings. Kim noted the colour of flowers as shown in the captions, referring to the RHS Colour Chart .

Viola tricolor

Viola tricolor Introduced species, not described. Illustrations: 3 photographs of Viola tricolor. From Wikipedia: Viola tricolor, Also known as Johnny Jump up (though this name is also applied to similar species such as the yellow pansy), heartsease, heart’s ease,heart’s delight, tickle-my-fancy, Jack-jump-up-and-kiss-me, come-and-cuddle-me, three faces in a hood, or love-in-idleness, is a common European wild…