Viola pedunculata. Torrey and A. Gray

Viola pedunculata Torrey and A. Gray, (sometimes abbreviated to T. & G.) Kim’s unedited notes. Illustrations: 5 photographs of Viola pedunculata and 2 drawings John Torrey, 1796-1873 & Asa Gray 1810-1888. ‘Pedunculata’ means with a peduncle. Sect. Chamaemelanium subsect. Nuttallianae [Marcussen, 2011]. See Abrams L. R. & R.S. Ferris. An Illustrated Flora of the Pacific…

Viola glabella

Viola glabella No description. Illustrations: 3 photographs of Viola glabella and 2 drawings. Featured photograph: Viola glabella at Vancouver Island, BC May 1996)        

Viola charlestonensis, M.S. Baker & J.C. Clausen

Viola charlestonensis  Kim’s unfinished notes. Illustrations: 2 photographs of Viola charlestonensis and 2 drawings. Clockey, Madroño 8: 58. 1945. I.W. Clockey was a plant collector. Type collected in the Nevada area, 23 May, 1937. Diploid species, 2n=2x=12, where x is the base chromosome number for section Chamaemelanium.   SW Utah and Clarke County, Nevada glaucous thick…

Viola biflora L.

Viola biflora Description.  Illustrations: 3 photographs of Viola biflora and 2 drawings. Viola biflora is a member of section Chamaemelanium, subsection Biflorae, a group of several geographically separated races distributed on high mountain ranges around the North Pole. Viola biflora migrated from Eurasia across the Bering land bridge to western North America where it is…

Viola sheltonii Torrey.

Viola sheltonii Description. Illustrations: 6 photographs of Viola sheltonii and 2 drawings. Two separate montane populations of V. sheltonii exist: one west from the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, Oregon and Washington states, the other in the Rocky Mountains, from Montana to southwestern Colorado. Half of the plant remains underground, so that the crown of the…

Viola douglasii

Viola douglasii Steud. Description. Illustrations: 4 photographs of Viola douglasii and 2 drawings. This golden-flowered violet is usually found growing on serpentine, but is not abundant in any location. Its finely divided leaves are gray, very similar to those of V. beckwithii however V. douglasii can be distinguished because the dense pubescence is on both…

Viola tricolor

Viola tricolor Introduced species, not described. Illustrations: 3 photographs of Viola tricolor. From Wikipedia: Viola tricolor, Also known as Johnny Jump up (though this name is also applied to similar species such as the yellow pansy), heartsease, heart’s ease,heart’s delight, tickle-my-fancy, Jack-jump-up-and-kiss-me, come-and-cuddle-me, three faces in a hood, or love-in-idleness, is a common European wild…

Viola arvensis

Viola arvensis No description. Illustrations: 2 photographs of Viola arvensis.

Viola bakeri, Greene

Viola bakeri Description. Illustrations: 1 photograph of Viola bakeri and 1 drawing. Viola bakeri (near Lake Tahoe, CA. June 1998).     A dwarf, tap-rooted species with pale yellow flowers occurring from the upper altitudes of the Sierra Nevada mountains of mid-California, Oregon and southern Washington state. The green plants are more or less summer-dormant,…