Viola pedatifida. G. Don Kim’s unedited notes, 3 photographs and 3 drawings of Viola pedatifida (including one of Kim’s original pencil drawings) Boreali-Americanae. George Don, 1798-1856. ‘pedatifida’ means pedately divided. Viola pedatifida G.Don — Gen. Hist. 1: 320. 1831 (GCI) Viola pedatifida G.Don — Gen. Syst. i. 320. (IK) Viola pedatifida G.Don var. bernardii Greene…
Category: Stemmed
Viola tripartita Elliott
Viola tripartita Ell. var. glaberrima (DC.) Harper Kim’s notes and references. Illustrations: 6 photographs of Viola tripartita and 3 drawings (including Kim’s field notes) Stephen Elliot, 1771-1830. Sect. Chamaemelanium subsect. Nudicaules [Marcussen, 2011]. Rare. ?? Threatened, endangered, in some places wiped out already. Extinct (extirpated) in PA.: Harvey Ballard said there was a recent…
Viola rotundifolia Michx.
Viola rotundifolia Michx. Kim’s notes, re-ordered but unedited. Illustrations: 6 photographs of Viola rotunda and 1 drawing. 2n=2x=12 (a diploid species). Andre Michaux, 1746-1802. (From Kim’s article for NARGS): Viola rotundifolia is the only yellow flowered viola in North America that is stemless at the time of flowering. It is also the earliest viola…
Viola purpurea, Kellogg
Viola purpurea, Kellogg Kim’s (quite extensive) notes and references, proposed keys, unedited. Posting includes 5 drawings and 9 photographs of subspecies V purpurea ssp venosa, ssp mohavensis, and ssp integrifolia, a drawing of ssp purpurea, and photographs of ssp quercetorum. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1:55 or 56?, 1855. Collected by A. Kellogg. Holotype in Californian…
Viola glabella
Viola glabella No description. Illustrations: 3 photographs of Viola glabella and 2 drawings. Featured photograph: Viola glabella at Vancouver Island, BC May 1996)
Viola biflora L.
Viola biflora Description. Illustrations: 3 photographs of Viola biflora and 2 drawings. Viola biflora is a member of section Chamaemelanium, subsection Biflorae, a group of several geographically separated races distributed on high mountain ranges around the North Pole. Viola biflora migrated from Eurasia across the Bering land bridge to western North America where it is…
Viola sheltonii Torrey.
Viola sheltonii Description. Illustrations: 6 photographs of Viola sheltonii and 2 drawings. Two separate montane populations of V. sheltonii exist: one west from the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, Oregon and Washington states, the other in the Rocky Mountains, from Montana to southwestern Colorado. Half of the plant remains underground, so that the crown of the…
Viola trinervata (Howell) Howell ex A.Gray
Viola trinervata Description. Illustrations: 3 photographs of Viola trinervata and 2 drawings. This violet species is named for the three prominent veins easily visible on the erect glaucous leaves. It is found in the lithosol soils of central Washington State and northern Oregon with a disjunct population in south eastern Oregon in the Great Basin….
Viola hallii A. Gray
Viola hallii Description. Illustrations: 3 photographs of Viola hallii and 2 drawings This rare violet species is classified in the subsection Chrysanthae, very closely related to V. beckwithii, however the plants of V. hallii are completely glabrous, the divided leaves are pale green and the flowers more rounded. Its two upper petals are dark…
Viola douglasii
Viola douglasii Steud. Description. Illustrations: 4 photographs of Viola douglasii and 2 drawings. This golden-flowered violet is usually found growing on serpentine, but is not abundant in any location. Its finely divided leaves are gray, very similar to those of V. beckwithii however V. douglasii can be distinguished because the dense pubescence is on both…