Viola palustris var. brevipes

Viola palustris var. brevipes (M.S. Baker) Davis Description and illustrations: 4 photographs of Viola palustris var brevipes and 2 drawings of Viola palustris var brevipes  A smaller plant than the Viola sp. nov. populations of the Pacific northwest and Viola palustris L. var. palustris of the Atlantic. It is stoloniferous, with bright green kidney-shaped or heart shaped…

Viola palustris L.

Viola palustris L. Marsh violet. Description and illustrations: 1 photograph of Viola palustris and 3 drawings of V. palustris Though this violet is common in northern Europe, it is restricted to a small area of far northeastern North America. Its leaves are grayish-green, from creeping rhizomes and with round-faced flowers of a pink-mauve color that…

Viola palustris group, introduction. Northwestern Viola sp. nov.

Viola palustris group introduction Description and illustrations of Viola palustris group: 6 photographs and 4 drawings]  Viola palustris has been a confusing puzzle in North America for most of the last century, though not drawing much attention because most of its distribution is in relatively remote areas and occurrences are uncommon. Three races occur in…

Viola epipsila ssp repens

Viola epipsila subsp. repens Becker Description and illustrations of Viola epipsila subsp. repens: 6 photographs and 4 drawings  This violet from arctic to sub-arctic climates is only 2-10 cm high with flowers of less than 1 cm. Its cold northern inland range, dwarf size and the position of the bracteoles near the top of the peduncle distinguish this…

Viola palmata L. (pro. sp.)

Viola palmata L. (pro. sp.) Kim’s unedited notes. Illustrations: 14 photographs of Viola palmata and xpalmata, 2 pencil drawings Viola xpalmata = V. sagittata x V. sororia. Sp. Pl.:933. 1753 (syn. V. esculenta Elliott, V. triloba Schwein., V. viarum Pollard, V. stoneana House, V. chalcosperma Brianerd, V. langoisii var. pedatiloba Brainerd). TM: Section Nosphinium, subsect….

Viola hallii A. Gray

Viola hallii Description. Illustrations: 3 photographs of Viola hallii and 2 drawings   This rare violet species is classified in the subsection Chrysanthae, very closely related to V. beckwithii, however the plants of V. hallii are completely glabrous, the divided leaves are pale green and the flowers more rounded. Its two upper petals are dark…

Viola scopulorum

Viola scopulorum Description. Illustrations: 2 photographs of Viola scopulorum and 2 drawings. Viola scopulorum  (Boulder Co, CO. May 1995) A diploid species of subsection Canadenses, Viola scopulorum is tall, with rigid vertical stems, similar in height and general habit to V. canadensis. However the leaves, petioles and flowers are smaller, basal leaves are about half the…

Viola lithion

Viola lithion N. Holmgren & P. Holmgren Description. Illustrations: 4 photographs of Viola lithion and 2 drawings. Viola lithion is one of three violets discovered in the period from 1980-1990. Its existence is endangered because of the small size of the two known populations, though it is unlikely to be disturbed as the sites, at…

Viola frank-smithii

Viola frank-smithii N. H. Holmgren Description. Illustrations: 4 photographs of Viola frank-smithii (1 with Frank Smith) and 2 drawings. One of three new violet species discovered in North America between 1980 and 1990, all of which grow in limestone or dolomite in the presence of conifers, either Douglas Firs or Bristlecone pines. Although this species…

Viola beckwithii, Torr. & Gray

Viola beckwithii Description. Illustrations: 4 photographs of Viola beckwithii and 3 drawings. Viola beckwithii is a lovely violet with large, open two-toned flowers and attractive deeply divided foliage. These plants are highly adapted to the extremes of weather in their habitat and are very difficult to cultivate. In common with many other desert plants, their…