Viola xviarum

Viola xviarum No notes. Illustrations: 6 photographs and 2 drawings of Viola xviarum

Viola villosa

Viola villosa Walter Description and illustrations of Viola villosa: 4 photographs and 2 drawings Viola villosa was first collected by Thomas Walter, a plantation owner and keen botanist in the Charleston area of South Carolina.   The plants that I have photographed were growing east of Charleston at the edge of a newly developing industrial estate, at…

Viola sororia

[Kim’s notes and description of Viola sororia, unedited. 7 photographs and 1 drawing.  Notes on associated Fritillary butterflies. See also the posting of Viola sororia photographs] Viola sororia Willd. TM: Section Nosphinium, subsect. Boreali-Americanae [NEW classification, 2010]. 2N=54, IPCN 86-87, Canne, J.M., 1987. Carl Ludwig von Willdenow, 1765-1812. From draft of article written by Kim…

Viola septentrionalis

Viola septentrionalis Greene Kim’s unedited notes, 3 photographs and 2 drawings of Viola septentrionalis  TM: Section Nosphinium, subsect. Boreali-Americanae [NEW classification, 2010]. Edward Lee Green, 1843-1915. ‘septentrionalis’ means ‘north, northern’. A few sites in BC, Canada. For plant details see e-Flora BC website. Use Plant Images to find map of states where this occurs,…

Viola pedatifida, G Don.

Viola pedatifida. G. Don Kim’s unedited notes, 3 photographs and 3 drawings of Viola pedatifida (including one of Kim’s original pencil drawings) Boreali-Americanae. George Don, 1798-1856. ‘pedatifida’ means pedately divided. Viola pedatifida G.Don — Gen. Hist. 1: 320. 1831 (GCI) Viola pedatifida G.Don — Gen. Syst. i. 320. (IK) Viola pedatifida G.Don var. bernardii Greene…

Viola pedata L.

Viola pedata L. Description, 24 photographs of Viola pedata plants leaves and flowers, 4 drawings. Viola pedata, Blue Ridge Pkwy. April 2004) Viola pedata, endemic to North America, is one of the loveliest violets, distinctly different from all other species.  Deeply divided leaves give this species its name, the divisions radiating from the center of…

Viola palmata L. (pro. sp.)

Viola palmata L. (pro. sp.) Kim’s unedited notes. Illustrations: 14 photographs of Viola palmata and xpalmata, 2 pencil drawings Viola xpalmata = V. sagittata x V. sororia. Sp. Pl.:933. 1753 (syn. V. esculenta Elliott, V. triloba Schwein., V. viarum Pollard, V. stoneana House, V. chalcosperma Brianerd, V. langoisii var. pedatiloba Brainerd). TM: Section Nosphinium, subsect….

Viola novae-angliae, House

Viola novae-angliae House Kim’s unfinished notes. Illustrations; 5 photographs of Viola novae-angliae, 1 of a hybrid and 3 pencil drawings Viola novae-angliae x septentrionalis or is it pure V septentrionalis. Amnicon Falls, WI (June 2004)TM: Section Nosphinium, subsect. Boreali-Americanae [NEW classification, 2010].   Seeds from Flanagan Crag, Wisconsin, olive green, 1.8mm long (seed 1.5 =…

Viola nephrophylla Greene

Viola nephrophylla, Greene Kim’s notes, unfinished. Illustrations: 6 photographs of Viola nephrophylla, 1 pencil drawing. TM: Section Nosphinium, subsect. Boreali-Americanae [NEW classification, 2010]. 2N=54, IPCN 86-87, Canne, J.M., 1987. Edward Lee Greene, 1843-1915. In BC, Canada. For plant details see e-Flora BC website. Viola xviarum Pollard [missouriensis or nephrophylla xpedatifida] Viola nephrophylla only grows on…

Viola missouriensis, Greene

Viola missouriensis, Greene Kim’s notes, unedited. Illustrations: 7 photographs of Viola missouriensis and 2 drawings. Pittonia 4: 141. 1900. Type locality: Leeds, Missouri. Range: Missouri to Oklahoma and northeastern and southern New Mexico, western Texas (Guadalupe Mtns.). Edward Lee Greene, 1843-1915. TM: Section Nosphinium, subsect. Boreali-Americanae [NEW classification, 2010]. IPCN gives only one count that…